Media, eSports & Entertainment

Media, eSports & Entertainment

We bring the best candidates and clients together through expertise and innovative solutions.

We bring the best candidates and clients together through
expertise and innovative solutions.

Media, eSports & Entertainment is an industry that has undergone major changes in recent years. From linear TV to streaming. From paper newspapers to online newspapers, apps, and push notifications.

This has also meant that the market is experiencing high international competition. This also opens opportunities for Norwegian companies to take market shares in the rest of the world. The industry is still developing rapidly, new customers want business models, and new concepts will continue to emerge in the years ahead. This means that the industry relies on the best people to succeed in a market with such a high rate of change.

Let GreatPeople lift your recruiting in the following areas:

  • Newspapers, TV, and radio
  • Manufacturing companies
  • eSports & Entertainment
  • Cultural operators
  • Streaming companies

Why you should choose GreatPeople for your recruiting:

  • Relevant expertise: We have expertise in recruitment for companies in the field of IT, SaaS & Digital, and all functions
  • Access to candidates: We have access to the entire market, so our advisors can source and activate the right candidates for you
  • Efficient processes: We build efficient processes and systems so you can recruit great people faster

“You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.”

Andrew Carnegie

Want to know more?

You can reach us by phone 0047 924 15 227 or e-mail or fill in the fields below and send it to us.
Our advisors will contact you without delay.

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