Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
We bring the best candidates and clients together through expertise and innovative solutions.
We bring the best candidates and clients together through
expertise and innovative solutions.
All companies are concerned with the customer’s experience and needs. One must meet these needs by providing the right products and services. This also demands the expertise hired to work with sales and marketing. Good knowledge of your products and services is no longer sufficient; you also need to understand your customer’s needs and their business.
Communication, branding, and marketing are closely interrelated today. External communication is primarily about building a position and brand for the company. The boundary between communication and marketing is, therefore increasingly emigrating. PR & Communication roles, therefore no longer involve only journalistic work, which entails at least as much holistic work related to branding and reputation building.
Let GreatPeople lift your recruiting in the following areas:
- KAM/Sales Executives
- Presales & Product Specialists
- Customer success managers
- Digital marketing managers
- Content producers
- Webmasters
- Data analysts
- SEO & SoMe specialists
- Product Managers
- Growth & Revenue Managers
Why you should choose GreatPeople for your recruiting:
- Relevant expertise: We have expertise in recruitment for companies in the field of IT, SaaS & Digital, and for all functions
- Access to candidates: We have access to the entire market, so our advisors can source and activate the right candidates for you
- Efficient processes: We build efficient processes and systems so you can recruit great people faster
“Recruiting should be viewed as a business partner, someone who is critical to the success of the business.”
Mathew Caldwell
Want to know more?
You can reach us by phone 0047 924 15 227 or e-mail or fill in the fields below and send it to us.
Our advisors will contact you without delay.